CEDARS-Careers and Placement
The University of Hong Kong
Supercharge Your Career
with CEB Seminars!
Career Engine Builder (CEB)
Fundamental Career Seminars
To provide on-going support to students from all levels and years of study for their career preparation
To equip students with fundamental job-searching skills and essential job application techniques
Seminar Topics and Schedule
Get Started with your Career Planning & Job Searching
Repeated sessions: ​
26 February (Mon)
21 March (Thu)
Expected Learning Outcome:
Understand how to explore possible career options and develop a career plan
Discover resources to support your career planning and job searching
| 4:00pm - 5:15pm *Round 1 in Zoom format
| 4:30pm - 5:45pm *Round 2
2. Building your CV & Cover Letter
Repeated sessions: ​
28 February (Wed)
22 March (Fri)
Expected Learning Outcome:
Learn the critical structure for writing your CV and cover letter
Showcase and tailor your profile and past experience on your CV
| 3:00pm - 4:15pm *Round 1 in Zoom format
| 4:30pm - 5:45pm *Round 2
3. How to Pass a Job Interview
Repeated sessions: ​
29 February (Thu)
26 March (Tue)
Expected Learning Outcome:
Understand what employers seek and present your best self in an interview
Grasp key interview techniques to secure your dream job
| 3:00pm - 4:15pm *Round 1 in Zoom format
| 4:30pm - 5:45pm *Round 2
4. How to Stand Out in a Group Interview
Repeated sessions: ​
1 March (Fri)
27 March (Wed)
Expected Learning Outcome:
Learn what employers look for in a group interview
Acquire the know-how to become an outstanding candidate in a group setting
| 4:00pm - 5:15pm *Round 1 in Zoom format
| 4:30pm - 5:45pm *Round 2
Notes for Registration:
All the sessions will be conducted in English.
All HKU students are welcome.
Once you receive our confirmation email, please make sure you attend the session(s) you have signed up for; otherwise you will be put in a lower priority for future programmes.
Enquiries: ceb@cedars.hku.hk